Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Thinking About Trying Meth? Not Even Once....

Meth is a terrible drug. After one time, smoking, injecting, or another form of taking it in, it can rule your life. You may think only once, but once is all meth needs. Watch the full length of the video below to see the full impact Meth has. 


 Thanks to we found the most disturbing video warning against meth abuse. The sad part is that those things could actually happen to anyone who uses meth. Don’t use meth. Not even once.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Alcohol Abuse

Alcohol has become acceptable and is sometimes encouraged by society. To some it is not seen as a drug, but as a common drink like Pepsi or Coca-Cola. However when people drink large amounts of alcohol they are not thinking of what it means, what it’s doing, and most importantly what can happen. Below is a video about what can happen when you make the choice to drink.

Don’t let another person get hurt by the mistakes of a drunk. Don’t cause another person to live their life like Jacqueline Saburido. Don’t drink and drive - or even better - don’t drink at all.

Friday, April 3, 2015

Drug and Alcohol Awareness Month

April is drug and alcohol awareness month. We'll be featuring the dangers and real life consequences that come with drug and alcohol abuse. If you, or someone you know are experimenting with drugs and/or alcohol, STOP. The choices you're making right now will impact your future in ways you cannot imagine.

The first drug we're going to highlight is crack cocaine. Watch the video below to learn about the dangers associated with this highly addictive drug.

If you, or someone you know are struggling with addiction there is hope, and there is help. Go to to learn more.

Remember: We're here for you. We Are One. We Are Battle.